Growth Track
Whether you’re looking for a new church or you’ve been coming for a while, growth track events are designed to kick start your spiritual growth by providing clear and simple principles that will challenge you to go farther and faster in your faith. These events happen each quarter and cover a wide range of topics. Join us as we learn how to become a member, the basics of our Christian faith, how to discover your spiritual gifts and much more!
Church 101: Dec. 11th, 2022
This class is a basic introduction to our church family. Join us as we explain who we are and what we believe. We will answer questions about our unique mission and vision. You will also have an opportunity to become a member of our church. Registration link: click here.
Essentials 201: coming soon
This class provides the tools necessary to help each believer become a spiritually mature disciple of Jesus Christ. Join us as we learn principles and tips that will help you grow and connect with others at our church. Registration link: click here.
Discovery 301: coming soon
Each of us are a masterpiece, placed on this earth for a unique purpose. Join us as we learn more about our particular personality and gifts through a series of assessments. We’ll also learn how to use those gifts for God’s glory. Registration link: click here.