Strategic Mission Partners
*Anne Elizabeth Shepherd's Home: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home (AESH) provides residential care for females, ages 10-17, who have experienced sexual trauma leading to characteristics of emotional or behavioral disturbances. This program teaches the residents appropriate behaviors as they live and heal in a safe, staff-secured environment.
*Rose Hill Mission: This mission team exists to feed the less fortunate of the Rose Hill community each Tuesday evening.
*Clement Care: is a partnership between Clement Arts, Live the Promise, and local churches who seek to establish foster care ministries within their congregations. We carry out this mission by equipping churches to support local foster & adoptive families, and biological families in crisis. By training churches on how to create and lead successful Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs), we’re working toward seeing every child in a safe and loving family, forever.
*Open Door Community House: Open Door continues to expand to meet the needs of the community, which has responded by opening its heart to those in need. Open Door works with children, women, and families to embody Christ and empower those who need help and hope. Open Door has been an incarnational ministry since its founding “serving as the hands and feet of Christ“ as it opens doors of faith, hope, and opportunity to all who seek its help. Open Door is committed to long-term solutions to poverty and envisions a community free from poverty.
To volunteer or learn more about these agencies, please email us at: